This product is for:

Any organization with an HR team of one who could benefit from additional support and mentorship and any organization that doesn’t currently have dedicated HR support in place or has the functional responsibilities spread out among several individuals who may not know what they don’t know about legal and regulatory compliance.

Why this product:

It is tough working in Human Resources. HR professionals are required to balance continually changing legal and regulatory compliance, have difficult conversions, let employees know their employment has ended, and be a continual advocate for positive cultural changes (to name just a few things they’re balancing!). These responsibilities are a lot to carry and Humane Resources recognizes that and we want to offer support to your organization.


Premium partnership discounts begin at 1 month of service*

Monthly Rates
10 hrs/mo
20 hrs/mo
40 hrs/mo
65 hrs/mo
Flat rate < 1 month
Rate for 2+ months